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(1 edit) (+1)

Time to dig out the old boom box! Love the layout and missing bit of instructions.

Thanks ^^

I'm eager to find out with what you'll replace the missing warning.


This is so great! I love the layout and evocative the text is

Thank you ^^

Let me know what the tape ended up actually evoking, if you ever end up using it.


Super cool! Such slick and exciting design.


Greatly appreciated — I'm genuinely never quite sure whether stuff I make will resonate with folks so it's awesome to hear that others are into the design ^^


I love this tape so much, you did a really phenomenal job with it, and the aesthetics are PERFECT (as is this font you chose for the game page!). Plus I really love the scratched off bit of instructions that allow any group to do whatever they want with that part

- ✨Beth

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for the kind words ^^

I’m glad that the aesthetics work for you — I was a bit afraid the font might be hard to read for some folks, but if that is the case, I hope the plaintext version will make up for it.

(If you ever put mxtp in one of your games, I’d love to hear what bad consequences your group comes up with)